Reached at about 5pm..kul 5.30 letak appt card..then was brought up to do the CTG thingy.. it was cute when hub tried to be a "doctor" trying to understand the reading from the CTG print-out. BUT all his guesses was wrong..hahaha!!!
ok once tt done, proceed to consult my ever so cool gynae, Dr Wee... haha!! me & hub was telling ourself not to be so confident of any good news, like labour is on the way etc.. so we went in with a clear mind la..
Dr ask about my well-being, besides my discomfort sleeping at nite n the heaviness feeling, i had nothin to complain..oh yeah! and the "pain" of the waiting game....*gosh*
so doc said he will do a Vaginal Examination..VE la tu...*argh*

But it went well, Doc told hub to stand beside me & to hold my hand for support..*chuckles* support?? malu ade la..hhaha!! ha! susah nak explain on how i tried to be muka tebal when he showed me how to position myself...wakakaka!! hub was smiling away jer..
he applied the cool, ermm...cold thingy over there down south and seluk..hahaha!! But frankly, compared to the female doc, my male gynae was much much better!! very gentle n full of respect....
And he commented, " very good!! soft already and dilated around 2cm..." as his voice trailed off, my shyness disappeared...!
he said, i can even be admitted by midnite to wait, or rather be induce for labor!! what??!!!
me & hub was doubly shocked, but hub then recovered from it and was damn bloody happy!! he agreed but i disagreed..maybe i was suffering from the childbirth jitters...the mixed feeling etc..
so doc gave another choice to wait till Monday...which i agreed much to hub dismay as he said he was anxious to cradle his own son in his arms...
we left the clinic and discussed further on whether to change my mind.. but we settled with my decision la..but if Baby Ryan chooses to pop out earlier than Monday then ok jugak..else we see how on Monday..
truth is...i fear the tot of it all...the pain, the needles, etc...haiz!!
but deep down in my heart, i cant wait to have him in my arms too...
Baby R quick come out!! Baby Hilmi is waiting for youuuuuuu......holding the hp to wait for the good news....

ok hub...Insyallah next week, you will be holding your own...aww!! touching...
ok la..nak pi main game...btw i m now on break..werk no more!!! wee hee!! clearing my PH leaves first...
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