still here...

haha!! R seems to lurve making us all wait...
i have tons of "how-r-u" messages, asking whether or not i have pop...till i created a grouping on my hp named "baby R" so hubby will not have difficulties scrolling and thinking who to text.
nope..not yet...i tot baby R wanna give some meaning to Labour Day y'dae but no...hehe!!
but well, baby Cot have been assembled successfully n finally by hubby..haha! actuali, we wanted to buy a new one at kiddy palace, then b4 purchasing, the saleman queried on whether we wanna him to demo on how to yeah, y not i tot.
makao!! from there, we knew wer we go wrong with the one at home!! so i told him tt i change my mind about buying la..hehe!!
The next day, we returned and bought the mattress, bolster etc...and it's up and ready for baby R now..but in the mean time, someone else is sleeping there..*chuckles* test product first...
nie lum lagik letak tilam etc...

btw, i took Urgent leave today...false alarm..hehe!!
erm, liz told me to do a baby wish-list, which i have yet to cos i myself dunno wat..but can i add a blender?? wakakakakkaka!!!!
baby R... bila la baby nak kuar nie????

dunno how to see the pix?? ok...tilt ur head to the left and see... tts the head, then the eye, ermm eye socket..ala the eyes la..then the nose then the lips etc..
tomorrow another check up..woohoo!! ape la news this time eh...
k la.. till i blog again..
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