Welcome, how are you? I am fine, All Praise To God.
get it? tts arab for you. well, it kewl to have another language huh? hehe! we had fun interacting in Arab juz now.. kewl. 2 more days of training and we are up in positions to be butler & butlerratte...haha!! 1 week of in-house stand-by can be hectic but its e fun tt we are looking forward too..stay tuned....
helmi wanted to pick me up juz now but it was raining & furthermore, i had to wait for the tailor to come to take ma measurement for the uniform. hmm, today 2nd day menses, i had tummy cramp too. but i was lucky though in pain, ma level of endurance never fails me. PRAISE ME! PRAISE ME!!...it was reali an effort tau..
neway, walked to Suntec to go to Nokia. den made ma way home. bought food for helmi & zali @ northpoint. well, u guessed it! wen he couldn't fetch me, they played PSP2 ar..haiz...while, walking, bummed into YANNI with...ermmm. its ok ar. well we did sit & talk but hmmm...kinda gotta go cos helmi was waiting & furthermore, they were sleepy after werk.
we ate @ home, watched Teman Anugerahku..any other tv progs. As usual he felt malas to go to werk..lol! its ok la baby, tmr we go take kunci, go pilih baju...best kan??? hehehehehe...
oh btw, i had this kinda moving testimonial in Friendster from Shida .. take a look...
" Shidah Posted 03/29/2006
Tak lama lagi nak pak pak bing bing.Dah nak jadi isteri org pas tu mak org. Mcm tal caya kan hidup cepat berubah tapi kenangan manis akan tetap di hati dan yang paling aku tak leh lupa masa baru2 kita gaduh tapi lepas tu kita kwn baik kan?Kau masih ingat tak masa kita keje mlm kat ofis lama?Kita betul2 gile enjoy sakan nasib baik takde org masuk but you know wat?Itu yg membuat aku merasakan I don't have to feel old just because of my age and now I don't feel my age.Aku rasa mcm masih muda.Thank You Rini secara tak langsung you change my view about age. "
aweee....pedih2! well, i noe i may be direct & frank in ma views be it good, bad or hurting. i noe its bad but i reali dunno how to be pretentious. i say it if i dun like it. i praise it if i am all over it.. i dun hide. i show. tts me. but in the end, sometimes, it does do good to others. its a matter of whether or not, they wanna analyze wat & why i said wat i did. oh yeah, a remark can be a debate too, cos i believe in standing for wat i feel is right. but hey! i do say sorry if i realise i am wrong ok...duh!
Dear: if you are reading, haha bodohnye aku obviously u are la now, PLEASE READ LIZ'S COMMENT 4 u.... & oso, some1 says you look like Aaron aziz!!! haha!! refer to comment oso... 1 more thing, secret k..jgn bilang org tau.. *bisik kat telinga* i love u sayang....
k la, ana asifah, tts i am sorry, i got to go..
ma'assalaamah Ilal Liqa, tts goodbye see u again.
Lailak sa'eed...tts GOOD NIGHT!!!!
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