boy..i am smiling..but deeep down, i am not. well, who is..tell me? haha! days of ma juz goes on.. there is a reason y the word "but" was created..cos life can never be as fair as you want it to be..its either this or that, this but that, never this and can never have the best of both matter how hard you want it. take a thinker, a rich boy/girl who has everything the world can offers, but they dun have true happiness. A poor family who have to scrimp and save, tts hard, but they are happy together. A famous artiste, who gets all the attention one would envy, can never find true love.
Life Is No Fair but GOD is.. i think, tt is it. haiz, i pity the lil gerl whose story is hot on now. But i believe, GOD loves her more...
Btw, here a pix of me wearing a dangling earring..Audrey suka earring gitu..tapi aku tak rase its my type..hehe!! tak reti gerl...
heehee, somebody pls teach me how to have a heart of a woman.. i need tt heart is ever so "urgh"...susah nak ckp...hehe!! Ya Allah, terangkanla hati aku, insan yg lemah ini...deary juz called me...*cloud nine* i love you baby..
4 more nite shifts to go...i shall try to get to sleep now..its 3.09am now..

love of ma life,
yes you are dear...
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