hmm, tomorrow aku werk 11am to 7pm. sesapa nak date aku, pls sms or call me ok else, i will bury maself wit ma paperwerks.. i will be free till 12midnite den i become Cinderella

I juz feel tt time reali flies..its march now. a month to gi Kursus rumah tangga, Register etc.. argh!! time is catching up!! hehe..Marlina, i m sure ko lagi gementar..Kad maner?? lum sampai2 lagi pon..

well heres wat ma near future plan is...

hmm...tts all for March now, besides ma werk deadline to meet...yawnz! i cant believe it...its a few months of singlehood left..kewl huh..say wat u want, but i tink i am gonna enjoy every laughters, quarrels, heartaches, snides, etc wit gonna-be-hubby helmi...hehe!! its ok, its all if God's Willing, i noe. i wuz borned not to regret..if wateva happens, i will move on. i will try to... Insyallah, semoga diberkati hubungan kita, Amin. Marlina, do drop tips on how to "jauh2" kan diri hehe!!..aku rase, aku tak akan bleh mcm ko. busuk2 pon aku rase 1 bulan jer M.I.A...
anyway, i hate to say tt i have to drop the elisha off ma name...well, as u noe its e combi of RINI + HELMI + ZALI + SHASA = RINIELISHA. see? i will have to go be as the original..cos i now HATE to be affliciated with anithin tt had the ring of "elisha"..... how sad...it wld hv been a perfect name. well, dun ponder on y i said this. it has nothin to do wit me, juz the way i think. nothin to do wit me at all. juz me, u noe la, 1 point i like something so much and @ another point i will hate it..indecisive? fickled? aku pon tak tau la!!!! juz a choice to hate now...
Dahle, nak cleep ar..tomolo werk 11am..nanti tak bleh angun...biar drg main game, aku cleep. Goodnite Zali, Nite2 baby...Sweet dreams everybody!!!!

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