hehe..i read your entry.. touched i am, truly.. ayg pon tak tau whether ayg can be a good wifey tak..*malu* ayg tak tau masak..cuma tau lipat baju, cuci pinggan jer..haha! oh ye.. ayg tau masak prench pries utk abg kan..kan?? *blueks* see at least i can "cook". Ayg pon will ingat ape Ustaz cakap suma..kiter tak pernah kahwin per, so lets go thru it together..come wat may, we will overcome it together, Insyallah.. Abg takmo ar promise2 hehe!! kiter suma ade kekurangankan, ayg pon. i will try to change ma temper to milder *wish hard* but as wat we alwaes say, we accept each other's flaws and all...tapi demi kebahagiaan, kenela berkorban..terserah la eh..
hmm, apa-apa jer ayg nie.. beat ard the bush..ntah but all i noe is, i reali appreciate you & deeply lurves you, Helmi. As much as you feel, i feel it double.*ya..you gonna say u feel triple..hehe!* huh, no? paiseh ar..*laughs*
i give you ma heart dear,

tunangmu tersayang, rini...
Disclaimer : Utk barang sesiapa yg kater " meluatnye" or anything semakna dan seiiras, this is wat i have to say.." TAK SURUH BACA PON!!!!!!!" hahahah!! *stick out tongue!!*
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